
Fake Irish Drivers Licence
Fake Irish Drivers Licence

Fake Irish Drivers Licence

Is It Illegal To Have A Fake Driving Licence? If they don’t have any contact details, that should be enough of a warning sign to just walk away from the site altogether. You tend to find this out from the FAQ section of their website and if you want to make sure this is not the case, you should contact the website directly. The other thing that you can find is that even though a site appears to produce decent fake looking licences, somewhere in their small print or even on the back of the card, they will have a statement saying that the cards are produced for novelty purposes and have no other use. There are no legal versions of these card given to anyone of any age or status, so they are best to be avoided. The first thing is they offer you a card that doesn’t exist such as a “Provisional Motorcycle Permit”, an “International Driving Permit”, a “European Driving Permit” or a “National Identification Card”. The majority of websites that advertise themselves as selling fake driving licence tend to do one of two things.

Fake Irish Drivers Licence

Of course, in either of these situations, there is no-one you can complain to about the quality of service you have received as what you are doing (or trying to do) is illegal.

Fake Irish Drivers Licence

It is best to avoid using these as they may offer an impressive looking product but you could find yourself out of pocket as they don’t send you anything after taking your money or send you something terribly fake. There are numerous driving licence websites that claim to offer fake driving licences. There are many websites that offer “genuine fakes” and can end up costing you money for a silly, novelty item that has no other use other than to be “used for entertainment purposes”. Fake driving licences are against the law and can result in large fines and even prison time if they are used for illegal purposes, such as giving false information or identification.

Fake Irish Drivers Licence